Friday, June 20, 2008

[ReCap] Book Of Blood: Episode III - Q-Tip Combat

"The fall of man will be not from the extinction
of the human race by an extra-terrestrial opposition, but from our own
Part II: Test Your Might

Today was the day of reckoning... headaches, stomach aches, and profiles... more profiles (An advisory statement from a doctor about changing your training, to make it easier on whatever is hurt until you heal, like if you got pain in your shins, you're given a profile that says you can't run, or you can only run at your own pace for a certain ammount of time). The day of pugil fighting, where we'd wear big pads that only helped us from getting concussions and use Thor's Q-tips to fight for our lives... and concioussness. I won't list all of the one-on-one battles, but there was atleast ten or eleven.

Okay, so we're gotten up alittle late today, suprising as hell, but no biggie. We're then sent to the drill pad for first formation where we'd be breifed on beating the shit out of each other, right before we're allowed to do just that... and man, because of the breif that sound like "So don't kill anyone. Remimber, that's still your battle buddy", we didn't expect the fight to be so violent. But anyway, on to the battles. We had a farily-large sand pit (big square sandbox-type thing full of sand... this of course has enough sand in it to low-crawl in without scraping ground) where we'd split in half so we could have two battles goin on at one time, to speed the process. They started out letting us choose our opponents, until the fights started getting personal, like two girls calling each other out, then ending up dropping the pugils to street fight. After three of those, the Drill Sergeants decided to do all the choosing for us. I was paired up with a good friend of mine, hence-forth named Mickey D's. Before our fight, there was atleast two other interesting ones. We had one where Father Time(our Bay leader) and Stumpy(the midget of the platoon, and the most annoying reject on Fort Jackson) faced off, and after all the hype Stumpy got going, he went down in one hit. Then you've got Dora the Explorer (Cute little mexicano girl that happened to be the second-most shy person in the platoon), and Superwoman (little asian woman that looked 19, but was like 25 that was of course, the most shy person in the platoon) fought, and Dora won in one hit, almost entirely putting Superwoman to sleep with a single blow... litterally.

Then it was my turn. I wasn't so ready to fight with these giant objects of non-incapacitatable, desasterous fun, but I decided to join in anyway, especially since i just watched Dora and Superwoman fight, and if they could do it, then why the hell not me, right? So I'd got in the ring with Mickey just after we gave our friendly salutations, and started up. I swore I was as ready as I could be untill the DS said "Go". Once he did, my body temperature dropped, and I did the one thing I shouldn't have-- backed up. I took three steps back and cought my bracings just as he impacted me with ...his entire body. I fell backward, and he turned his pugil over to push me off at an angle. I tipped over, and almost fell, but held on to my balance with dear life. I came back with a hit to his shoulder, hard enough to push him back, and since I hit him with the pugil instead of my body armor, I won by default... this of course, I didn't like but hell, a win is a win, right?

Second round, he tried it again, and I ducked, but apparently, I lost my heading when he ironing-boarded me to the ground, similar to a '92 Mustang running in 5th gear toward gumby, and not stopping. He actually had to help me up, but I was ready to go again. Once I got back up, the DS said go again, apparently he didn't win because he hit me with his body again, so he rushed me with an attempted flurry of hits. I jumped and turned, and apparently my leg sprawled outward at him in what was seen as a rear-ward kick like Ken on steroids seeing as I was told afterwards that I flew into the air and kicked backward at him like Lu Kang or something, and after the turn, I drew the pugil straight down into he head, but missed because be backed up, and hit me square in the head with his, knocking me to the side and causing me to stumble. He won that round, and I had to tell the ring to stop spinning so I could see Mickey before they said go again.

Once I was clear, he called go again, and I was pumped. He'd already won two, and I wasn't letting him get that third. I jumped right past his obvious rush, and swong my pugil leftward to hit him in the back, then turned around and tried to poke at him with it, but it didn't work. We then pressed our pugils against each other a couple of times to try and throw each other off balance, but neither of us was going down and I didn't wanna take fifteen minutes to finish a round like some fights did before, so instead of clashing, I half-way did to give him extra lee-way, and he reacted just as I expected-- he overshot, and I hit him in the top of the head. I won that.

We were tied, and could only fight one more round before a winner was decided. Two an two, with a single round left, I was going cold because my adrenaline was failing quickly, and Mickey seemed so normal that it was like he was draining my energy by just looking at me, like he was the male Rogue, and I just so happened to be shaking his hand. I lost my train of thought, or atleast what was left after that head hit. So we went blow for blow in the last round for a couple of seconds before I lost myself, and tripped back. He took the opportunity to put his weight on me, and strike me in the chest, knocking me clean off my feet and into the air. I knew I was done before I hit the ground, and when I finally did, I hit the ground laughing because I gained my train of thought back completely after I got hit. Odd, huh?

Well afterward, we were hearded back to the average routine of marching from the company to the DFAC, then back to the company, doing something stupid along the way to get smoked, and then cleaning weapons, and going to sleep.

Guess we'll see what happens next time, huh?
~Sayin (Ollie)

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